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Saturday 17 September 2011

Voda Water (2006) – Documentary


Now we have made a huge step, we understood, really, that we know almost nothing about water! Why is it the most powerful solvent on the planet? Sciencehas no answer to why water is the only substance on earth that has three phases – liquid, solid, and gaseous? Or maybe this is our present, past and future? Maybelife and death is nothing else that a water cycle? A fantastical hypothesis was proposed that could explain the unpredictable behavior of water. Water has memory! It “remembers” everything that happens in its surroundings and store that information in its memory. The structure of water is much more important than chemical composition. The structure of water refers to how its molecules are organized and united into groups called “clusters.” Water is like a mirror of human emotions that forme our impressions. We pollute the water spiritually. We know perfectly well that without water, life on Earth is impossible. A person, depending on age, consists of 70-90% water. Only in water does any seed begin life. Any embryo is surrounded by water, which, like a universal computer, opens any biological “program” and only water may change it. Water plays a key role in transmitting information. The world exists as one organism, as one centralized mind. Every single one of us is a link in the endless chain of information transmission. But aside from that, each of us is also a source of information. Every single action, thought, emotion, and word separates from us and is remembered by water. Everyday actions are very important. What a person does reflects not only on themselves, but also on others and the whole Universe. Love & Gratitude!

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Tagged: 2006


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